Best Credit Card Processor for your Non-profit?
Credit card usage has increased exponentially in recent years with the fastest growing groups, including Generation X, Z, and millennials. In 2018 Transunion reported 416.5 million credit cards. Nonprofits have reported a substantial increase in credit card donations due to covid, the war in Ukraine, and many international disasters that received support. Nonprofits rely on […]
Perks Employees Want That Won’t Break The Bank
The typical cost of hiring a new employee is between 15-25% of the employee’s salary. That means an employee with a salary of $50,000 will cost as much as $12,500 to write the ad, interview, run background checks, and then train. A survey of 201 CEO believes that the employee will not be fully productive […]
When and How is the Best time to sell a Business?
Best Time To Sell a Business? Deciding to sell your business is both an emotional and financial decision. Many of us have put years or decades into the company, and it can almost be like a family. You may be employing children or other family members, and their impact has to be considered. Experts agree […]
Should I consider an outsourced bookkeeping or consulting team?
Matchbooks provide virtual bookkeeping and business consulting services to small businesses and nonprofits. Clients benefit from our services because they receive affordable, professional services that are supervised by an independent CPA controller who specializes in your business. You know your business and we are a local Cape Cod company that knows bookkeeping and consulting. We […]
Finding Great Employees in a Tight Job Market
Finding Great Employees in a Tight Job Market There are 32.5 million small businesses in the US. Small companies create 1.5 million jobs annually and account for 64 percent of new jobs created in the US according to the bureau of labor statistics. They are all competing with other small businesses for employees and Fortune […]
Why do small business owners need good accounting?
Why do small business owners need good accounting? Ninety percent of businesses fail in the first 10 years. One of the primary reasons for small business failure especially in the first year of the business is limited budgets and other resources. Accounting plays a crucial role in providing information that helps businesses in their growth […]
Recent Trends in Elder Fraud
Elder financial abuse, exploitation, and elder fraud is one of the largest growing threats in the lives of Seniors. Seniors are tempting targets, and many of the elderly have significant savings and wealth. A generation brought up to be polite and taught to be trusting are people that make easy prey. Add in mild cognitive […]
Protect your bank account from cybercrime.
The most common form of cybercrime is committed via social engineering. This is done by sending emails to unsuspecting employees using techniques like baiting, scareware, pretexting, and the most common method of phishing. Those pesky emails can do real damage to your cash flow and the viability of your firm. Since the transfer was authorized […]
Are you Frustrated?
While running a business can be very satisfying, it is not an easy task. We are always concerned with meeting payroll, hiring, and retaining the right staff, dealing with demanding customers, and maintaining accurate financial records. While many business owners try to do their bookkeeping to save money, it is usually the chore most likely […]