In Massachusetts where we are headquartered, all employers are banned from asking for salary history information. They can, however, confirm prior history if volunteered by the applicant or if an offer has been extended. However, if known, previous pay cannot be a defense to a pay discrimination claim. Currently, 21 other states have similar statewide bans, and some cities have enacted laws that prohibit employers from asking about salary history in the interview process. Want to know where things stand in your state? CLICK HERE for details about salary history bans in the jurisdictions that have enacted them.
Because this seems to be a growing trend, MatchBooks recommends, when verifying previous employment as part of the background screening process is to not ask for salary history regardless of the state in which our clients are hiring. Special Thanks to my friend Dave Sawyer, President of Safer Places. MatchBooks relies on Safer Places for domestic and international background checks