Financial reports: What does my business need and why?

Whether you are a small business or large, financial reports should play a vital role in the running of your organization. They serve as powerful tools for business owners, directors, lenders, and other stakeholders, providing valuable insights into a company’s financial health, performance, and overall success. So what do you need and why? Here, we […]
How small businesses can buy health insurance

Did you know small businesses are the least likely to offer group health insurance? According to the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF), just 39 per cent of businesses with 3-9 employees offer it compared to 91 per cent of organizations with 50-199 employees. Moreover, just over half (58 per cent) of those with 10-24 employees […]
4 tips for growing your business while maintaining financial health

The last 12 months have been difficult for businesses, presenting additional challenges that have seen many focus on surviving rather than thriving. However, growing a business in a tough economic climate isn’t out of the question. In fact, with the right strategies in place, you can weather the storm and emerge even stronger on the […]
Disaster Recovery Planning for your Small Business

Most small businesses never envision needing a disaster recovery plan yet 30% of businesses have reported that they have had to close for 24 hours or more according to the National Association of Small Businesses. Whether your business is being interrupted by fires in California (8,000 on average in the month of August alone according […]
Purchasing a small business: what resources are available?

When buying a small business, there are several resources available that can help you make informed decisions and navigate the buying process. Here are some resources to consider: Business brokers: Business brokers are professionals who help facilitate the buying and selling of businesses. They can help you find businesses for sale, negotiate the terms of […]
How to Value a Small Business

Valuing a small business can be a complex process that involves evaluating the business’s financial performance, assets, liabilities, and potential for growth. Here are some steps you can take to help value a small business: 1. Determine the business’s net income: This involves calculating the business’s total revenue and subtracting its expenses to determine its […]
Selling your IT or MSP Company

Selling an IT or managed service provider (MSP) company can be a complex process that requires careful planning and execution. Here are some steps to help you sell your company: 1. Determine the value of your company: Before you start the selling process, you need to determine the value of your company. This can be […]
Benefits of a Business Broker

A business broker can provide several benefits to both buyers and sellers of businesses, including: 1. Expertise and experience: A business broker has experience and knowledge of the market and can guide the buyer or seller through the process of buying or selling a business. They can also provide valuable advice on the best practices […]
What’s your Company Worth?

A business valuation is used to determine the current market value of your business. While it is often used to determine the sale price, savvy business owners often have it done 1-4 years before the sale of the business and use it as a planning tool to increase the future value of the business. The […]
Tax and Audit-Ready Financials

As we approach the end of 2022 it is time to think about your year-end financials. Are they reliable and up to date? Can you count on them for data-driven decisions? Up-to-date financials will help you reduce your tax burden by having your information at your fingertips and reduce the cost of working with your […]